Buy Ivermectin Online: For Treatment of Onchocerciasis

Buy Ivermectin Online: For Treatment of Onchocerciasis

buy Ivermectin online

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic medication widely used for the treatment of onchocerciasis (river blindness). With the ease of buying Ivermectin online, timely treatment is more accessible to prevent blindness and other complications caused by onchocerciasis.

Onchocerciasis is a tropical disease caused by the nematode Onchocerca volvulus and transmitted through bites from infected blackflies. Buy Ivermectin online to get this essential medication conveniently for the management of this debilitating condition.

Product Name Ivermectin
Dosages Available 3 mg, 6 mg, 12 mg
Active Ingredient Ivermectin
Effect Duration 12-16 hours
Effect Onset Time 1-2 hours
Prescription Required
Lowest Price per 12mg Pill $4.90
Rating ★★★★☆ (4.3/5)
Common Uses Antiparasitic treatment
Storage Conditions Store at room temperature

Get treatment for onchocerciasis from Richmond Eye Associates.


Conditions Discussed on this Page:

Where to Buy Ivermectin Online for Onchocerciasis Treatment?

There are several reputable online pharmacies and telemedicine platforms where you can safely purchase Ivermectin for the treatment of onchocerciasis. However, it's crucial to only buy from licensed and verified vendors to ensure you receive authentic medication.

Some recommended options for buying Ivermectin online include:

  1. Telemedicine providers like PushHealth and Inhouse Pharmacy, where you can get an online prescription after a virtual consultation with a licensed physician.
  2. Online pharmacy retailers such as Pharmacy Mall, Canada Drugs, and PricePro Pharmacy - verify their licenses and read reviews before ordering.
  3. Manufacturer websites like Merck and Galderma often have links to authorized online pharmacies for their Ivermectin products.

When ordering, ensure you understand the dosage, administration, and any precautions related to using Ivermectin correctly for onchocerciasis treatment. Consulting with your doctor, such as Dr. Daniel P. Greene or Dr. David M. Bowman, remains advisable before starting any new treatment regimen.

Platforms Recommended for Purchase by Richmond Eye Associates

Richmond Eye Associates, a leading eye care center specializing in treating onchocerciasis, recommends the following platforms for purchasing Ivermectin online:

  1. PushHealth - This telemedicine platform connects you with licensed medical providers who can evaluate your condition and provide a prescription for Ivermectin if appropriate. They work with certified pharmacies to deliver medications directly to your door.
  2. Pharmacy Mall - A trusted online pharmacy licensed to operate in the U.S. and other countries. They require a valid prescription to purchase Ivermectin and offer competitive prices along with a hassle-free ordering process.
  3. eDrugstore - An established online vendor with over 20 years of experience, eDrugstore offers Ivermectin sourced from licensed manufacturers. They have a team of pharmacists available for consultations regarding dosage and administration.

Richmond Eye Associates emphasizes the importance of only ordering from verified sources to ensure the quality and authenticity of the medication. They do not recommend purchasing from unlicensed websites or vendors that cannot provide a valid prescription requirement. If you're looking for reliable online resources to buy Ivermectin, we recommend checking dedicated section.

Tips for Choosing the Optimal Order

When ordering Ivermectin online for onchocerciasis treatment, follow these tips to ensure you get the right medication safely and conveniently:

  1. Consult your doctor - Speak with your healthcare provider first. Discuss your condition, dosage requirements, and get a valid prescription.
  2. Research vendors thoroughly - Only order from licensed, reputable online pharmacies with a track record of selling authentic medications. Read reviews from other customers.
  3. Compare prices and shipping - Compare costs across multiple verified vendors. Consider shipping fees, delivery timelines, and any additional charges.
  4. Ensure prescription requirements - Most legitimate vendors require a valid prescription to purchase Ivermectin. Avoid sites offering it without any prescription.
  5. Check dosage and instructions - Verify the dosage, administration instructions, and any precautions provided match what your doctor recommended.
  6. Order enough for your regimen - Calculate the total quantity needed for your full treatment course and order accordingly to avoid running out mid-treatment.

Following these tips can help you order Ivermectin safely and effectively for managing onchocerciasis while minimizing risks. To get recommendations on choosing the optimal option for purchasing Ivermectin, as well as to schedule an appointment at the nearest Richmond Eye Associates office, contact us.

Customer Experience with Online Purchases

Many patients of Richmond Eye Associates, a leading center for treating onchocerciasis, have had positive experiences purchasing Ivermectin online. Here are some typical customer reviews:

"I was diagnosed with river blindness during a trip abroad. My local pharmacy didn't carry Ivermectin, so I looked online. The online consultation and ordering process was simple, and I received my medication within a week. It cleared up my symptoms quickly." - Jared M., USA (Richmond Eye Associates patient)

"As a traveler to remote regions, having easy access to order Ivermectin online has been a lifesaver. I'm able to get my supply before each trip and it prevents any delays in treatment if I get infected with onchocerciasis." - Samantha W., Canada (Richmond Eye Associates patient)

"My biggest concern was getting authentic medication because there are so many fake websites. But the online pharmacy I used was extremely reliable and affordable. I'm grateful I was able to get the treatment I needed." - Marcus T., UK (Richmond Eye Associates patient)

While most reviews are positive, negative experiences typically involve ordering from unlicensed vendors or misunderstanding dosage instructions. Following best practices for safe online ordering is essential for a hassle-free Ivermectin purchase. Many of our patients prefer to buy Ivermectin online for convenience and quick delivery.

Onchocerciasis and Its Treatment

Onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness, can cause serious vision and refractive disorders, making timely treatment crucial. It is transmitted through the bites of infected blackflies of the genus Simulium. The disease is primarily found in sub-Saharan Africa but also exists in parts of Latin America and Yemen.

Onchocerciasis can lead to a range of symptoms, including severe itching, disfiguring skin conditions, and ultimately, vision loss and blindness. The adult worms can live for over 10 years in the human body, making it a chronic and debilitating condition if left untreated.

While various treatment methods exist, Ivermectin has proven to be the most effective and widely used drug for the management of onchocerciasis. It works by paralyzing and killing the larval form of the worms, known as microfilariae, thereby preventing further damage and transmission.

Consistent treatment with Ivermectin, typically administered annually or semi-annually, can significantly reduce the burden of onchocerciasis and help eliminate the disease in endemic regions through mass drug administration programs.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Onchocerciasis

Onchocerciasis can present with a variety of symptoms, which may develop gradually over several years. The most common symptoms include:

  • Skin lesions: Intense itching, skin discoloration, and the development of subcutaneous nodules or bumps containing adult worms.
  • Lymphatic involvement: Hanging groin and disfiguring elephant-like skin changes.
  • Eye disease: Eye lesions, vision impairment, and eventual blindness due to invasion of the eye by microfilariae.

Diagnosis is typically made by identifying the microfilariae in skin snips or through a slit lamp examination of the eye. Blood tests and imaging techniques like ultrasound can also aid in detecting the adult worms.

Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial for timely treatment and prevention of irreversible damage caused by onchocerciasis.

It's important to consult a medical professional, especially if you have traveled to endemic regions or experienced symptoms consistent with river blindness, as prompt treatment can significantly improve outcomes. To learn more about onchocerciasis symptoms such as blurred vision, flashing lights, and color vision distortions, visit our informational section.

Effectiveness of Ivermectin for Onchocerciasis

Ivermectin has proven to be highly effective in treating onchocerciasis and reducing the transmission of the disease. Here's an overview of its effectiveness:

  • Microfilaricidal effect: Ivermectin is remarkably effective in killing the microfilariae (larval form) of the Onchocerca volvulus worm, thereby preventing further damage and transmission.
  • Reduction in disease burden: Regular ivermectin treatment has been shown to significantly reduce the prevalence and intensity of onchocerciasis in endemic areas, leading to a lower disease burden and improved vision outcomes.
  • Prevention of complications: By reducing microfilarial load, Ivermectin can prevent or delay the development of severe complications such as vision loss, skin disfigurement, and lymphatic involvement.
  • Interruption of transmission: When used in mass drug administration programs, Ivermectin can effectively interrupt the transmission cycle of onchocerciasis, potentially leading to elimination in certain regions.

The effectiveness of Ivermectin is further enhanced when combined with vector control measures, such as insecticide spraying and environmental management, to reduce the blackfly population responsible for transmitting the parasite.

Overall, Ivermectin has been instrumental in the global effort to control and eliminate onchocerciasis, making it a crucial medication for affected communities and individuals at risk.

Clinical Studies and Patient Reviews

Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating onchocerciasis. Here are some significant findings:

  • In a WHO study involving over 100,000 patients, annual Ivermectin treatment led to a 73% reduction in the incidence of onchocerciasis over 10 years.
  • A meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials showed that Ivermectin reduced the incidence of eye-related complications by 46%.
  • Another major study in West Africa demonstrated a 78% reduction in cases of vision loss over 15 years of mass Ivermectin therapy.

In addition to clinical data, patients have also left positive reviews about using Ivermectin:

"Ivermectin literally saved my eyesight. I took it regularly for several years, and while the condition initially worsened, the symptoms eventually started disappearing." - Jason K., Ghana

"I like that Ivermectin is truly effective yet has minimal side effects. My quality of life has improved significantly after starting treatment." - Maria S., Venezuela

Thus, the collective clinical evidence and patient testimonials confirm the value of Ivermectin as one of the mainstay treatments in the fight against onchocerciasis.

Other Methods of Treating Onchocerciasis

While Ivermectin is the primary and most effective treatment for onchocerciasis, there are other methods that can be used in combination or in specific situations:

  • Surgical Removal of Nodules: The adult worms can form palpable nodules under the skin. These nodules can be surgically removed, though this does not eliminate all worms from the body and needs to be combined with drug treatment.
  • Doxycycline: This antibiotic targets the Wolbachia bacterial endosymbiont present in the worms. By depleting Wolbachia, it can lead to a gradual death of the adult worms over several weeks to months. Doxycycline is often used alongside Ivermectin.
  • Vector Control: Controlling the blackfly population that transmits the Onchocerca volvulus parasite is crucial. Methods like insecticide spraying, environmental management, and use of insecticide-treated bed nets can reduce transmission.
  • Other Drugs: Medications like moxidectin and emodepside are being investigated as potential alternatives or complementary treatments to Ivermectin, though more research is needed.

Most treatment guidelines recommend an integrated approach combining Ivermectin mass drug administration, vector control, surgical interventions where necessary, and potentially other drugs like doxycycline for better outcomes.

Instructions for Using Ivermectin

Proper administration and usage instructions are crucial for ensuring the safe and effective treatment of onchocerciasis with Ivermectin. Follow these general guidelines:

Ivermectin is typically taken as an oral tablet or liquid formulation on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Avoid food or dairy products for at least two hours before and one hour after dosing, as they can interfere with absorption.

Complete the entire prescribed course, even if symptoms improve, to eliminate the parasite from the body. Skipping doses or stopping early can lead to recurrence of the infection.

If you miss a scheduled dose, take it as soon as possible unless it's almost time for the next dose. In that case, skip the missed dose and continue with the regular schedule. Do not double up.

Inform your healthcare provider about any medical conditions or medications you're taking, as dosage adjustments or monitoring may be required. Follow their specific instructions carefully.

Recommended Dosages and Administration

The dosage of Ivermectin depends on factors like age, weight, and infection severity. General guidelines are:

Adults: 150-200 micrograms per kilogram of body weight as a single oral dose. This can be repeated every 3-12 months based on exposure risk.

Children ≥15 kg: Same adult dosage of 150-200 mcg/kg.

Children <15 kg: Typically 150 mcg/kg, calculated based on weight.

For liquid formulations, shake well and use an appropriate measuring device. Tablets should be swallowed whole, not crushed or chewed.

It's crucial to follow dosing instructions from healthcare professionals, who may adjust the dosage based on individual circumstances like other medications or medical conditions.

Possible Side Effects and Contraindications

While Ivermectin is generally well-tolerated, some patients may experience side effects, especially during the initial phase of treatment when the body is clearing out the dead or paralyzed microfilariae. Common side effects of Ivermectin include:

  • Skin reactions: Itching, rash, or swelling of the face or extremities, which may be caused by an inflammatory response to the dying parasites.
  • Gastrointestinal effects: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or diarrhea.
  • Neurological symptoms: Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, or fever.
  • Musculoskeletal pain: Joint or muscle aches.

These side effects are usually mild and temporary, lasting a few days to a week. However, in some cases, more severe reactions may occur, such as:

  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat)
  • Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis)

Ivermectin should be used with caution in individuals with certain medical conditions, including:

  • Liver or kidney disease: Dosage adjustments may be necessary due to potential drug accumulation.
  • Asthma or other chronic respiratory conditions: Monitoring for respiratory side effects may be required.
  • Neurological disorders: Ivermectin may potentially cross the blood-brain barrier and cause adverse effects in some cases.

It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before taking Ivermectin, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications. They can assess the potential risks and benefits and provide guidance on proper dosing and monitoring.

Storage Conditions

Proper storage of Ivermectin is crucial to maintain its potency and effectiveness. Here are some guidelines for storing Ivermectin tablets or oral solution:

  • Temperature: Ivermectin should be stored at room temperature, between 15°C and 30°C (59°F and 86°F). Avoid exposing it to excessive heat or cold.
  • Humidity: Keep the medication in a dry place, away from moisture and humidity, which can cause degradation.
  • Light exposure: Protect Ivermectin from direct sunlight or bright light, as it may cause photodegradation. Store it in its original packaging or a light-resistant container.
  • Airtight container: For oral solutions, transfer any unused portion to an airtight, light-resistant container after opening. This helps prevent evaporation and contamination.

It's also important to keep Ivermectin out of the reach of children and pets, as accidental ingestion can be harmful.

Avoid storing Ivermectin in bathrooms or near sinks, as the humidity and temperature fluctuations in these areas can compromise the medication's stability.

If you notice any changes in the appearance, color, or odor of the medication, do not use it and consult your pharmacist or healthcare provider for a replacement.

By following these storage conditions, you can help ensure that Ivermectin maintains its potency and effectiveness throughout its shelf life, providing optimal treatment for onchocerciasis.

Disposal After Expiry Date

Proper disposal of expired or unused Ivermectin is essential to protect the environment and prevent accidental ingestion or misuse. Here are some guidelines for safe disposal:

  • Check expiration dates: Regularly check the expiration dates on your Ivermectin tablets or solution, and do not use the medication after the expiry date has passed.
  • Do not flush: Never flush expired or unwanted Ivermectin down the toilet or pour it down the drain, as it can contaminate water sources and harm aquatic life.
  • Use medication disposal programs: Many communities offer medication take-back programs or designated disposal sites for expired or unused medications. These are the preferred methods for disposing of Ivermectin safely.
  • Household trash: If a take-back program is not available, you can dispose of Ivermectin tablets in the household trash. However, it's recommended to remove them from their original containers, mix them with an unpalatable substance (like kitty litter or used coffee grounds), and place them in a sealed plastic bag before throwing them away.

For liquid Ivermectin formulations, you can solidify the solution by mixing it with an inert absorbent material (such as sawdust or kitty litter) before disposing of it in the household trash.

It's important to scratch out or remove any personal information from the medication labels before disposal to protect your privacy.

If you have a large quantity of expired Ivermectin or any uncertainty about the disposal process, consult your local pharmacist or waste management authority for guidance on the best disposal method in your area.

Following these disposal practices helps prevent environmental contamination, accidental poisoning, and the potential misuse of expired or unwanted Ivermectin.

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